Turmeric Face Mask from Model Squad.
Really quick while we are on this topic. Body image and comparing yourself to others runs ramped. All I have to say is knock it off!!! I hear this so much….. I don’t go on Instagram or Facebook because this person and that person makes me feel bad about myself….. nobody and I mean nobody can make you feel bad about yourself. Whether its a good times reel or not. You are the only one that can turn those thoughts around. Instead learn from them. Models are like athletes it takes so much time and dedication to always be on the move like that and to their face being told they are the style. Everybody has to work hard for what they have…. so get going!!!!
What we can truly learn from models is even if your told no, you just go to the next until you make it.
Also I’ve always wanted to be a model. The cat walk is my jam…… I may or may not make it back to the catwalk but I will treat myself like a model. To be confident in clothes, drink lots of water, take care of my skin and work out. Its not about just looking pretty!!
Things are always better with a friend. Thank you for letting me put a mask on you!
K lets get to business!!
Turmeric Face Mask:
1. 1/2 cup of water. (this is the only thing I would change, I would put water in the mix last. Put just enough in to mask a creamy paste. We wasted a lot of good stuff because it was to wet.)
2. 2 tsp apple cider vinegar (pulls out impurities)
3. 2 tsp baking soda
4. whole lemon, squeezed (lightens dark spots, vitamin c)
5. 4 tsp honey (anti bacterial and lots of really vitamins)
6. 2 tsp turmeric (anti inflammatory, heals skins)
All of these ingredients together makes a beautiful natural chemical peel. As we age our skin doesn’t regenerate as quick, it needs a little help. This is one of the many reasons I love face masks.
Mix to
gether and apply
with a facial brush
or my favorite a basking brush.
I hope you enjoy, you deserve to be pampered.
Until next time…..
The Masked Momma